Professional Development Courses

For teachers, counselors, school leaders, graduate students, and after-school providers.

School of Belonging Professional Training Courses for Educators

Enrolling now

  • 100% Online, self-paced, SEL micro-courses.

  • Membership in the School of Belonging Learning Community, including weekly dialogue sessions with course creator David Levine.

  • A certificate of completion is issued upon completion of each course. Courses may be taken for PD hours or graduate credit. Check with your district or institution for requirements.

School of Belonging Badge Program Courses for Graduate Credit

School of Belonging courses for graduate credit are provided in partnership with Lesley University and are open to all professional educators already in the field, as well as pre-service graduate students in schools of education. Teaching Empathy Institute's School of Belonging program creates the conditions, skills and practices for empathy, inclusion, and self-expression for all members of the school community.

Learn more about Teaching Empathy Institute and how to make your school a School of Belonging

We are empathy educators well-versed in research on the emotional needs of children with deep experience creating positive school communities. We aim to meet schools where they are, and help them get to where they want to be through parallel learning experiences for students, teachers, school leaders, and parents. Our resources are easy to access and designed for practical infusion into daily classroom life.

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