Course curriculum

    1. Making Connections: The School of Belonging SEL Curriculum Volume 1. Kindergarten-2nd grade

    2. Music/Dialogue (MD)

    3. Part 1: Lessons for Grades K-2

    1. Classroom Practice: Making connections

    2. Circle of Belonging Poster

    3. I am a pizza lyric sheet

    1. Classroom Practice: Circle of Belonging

    2. Circle of Belonging Activity Sheet

    3. Circle of Belonging lyric sheet

    1. Classroom Practice: Friendship is coming

    2. Friendship is coming lyric sheet

    1. Classroom Practice: Lift Me Up

    2. Lift Me Up, Don't Let Me Down lyric sheet

    3. Hot Air Balloon worksheet

    1. Classroom Practice: Names Hurt

    2. Names Hurt lyric sheet

About this course

  • 32 lessons
  • 1 PD Hour to support implementation: $40

Tap into the power of music and conversation to create the conditions for belonging in your classroom